English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "tempo" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks, maar sommige van die mees algemene definisies is:Die tempo of spoed waarteen iets gebeur, vorder, of gedoen word.'n Tree of tree, veral as 'n maatstaf van afstand.'n Besondere manier van loop of beweeg, veral op 'n formele of waardige wyse.'n Meeteenheid vir land, gelyk aan die lengte van 'n persoon se stap of ongeveer 2,5 tot 3 voet.'n Konsekwente en bestendige patroon of ritme, veral in musiek of spraak.Voorbeelde van hoe die woord "pas" in verskillende kontekste gebruik kan word:"Hy het teen 'n stadige pas in die straat af geloop." "Ons moet die tempo van ons werk verhoog om die sperdatum te haal.""Sy het die veld gemeet deur pas te gebruik om sy grootte te bepaal.""Die musiek het 'n stadige en bestendige pas, wat 'n ontspannende atmosfeer skep.""Hy het 'n bestendige pas gehandhaaf terwyl hy gepraat het, nooit gejaag of te veel stadiger gery nie."


  1. gait

Sentence Examples

  1. Satisfied, Richard marches off down the plaza, slowing to a normal pace as he nears the café end, not wanting to appear too excited, his urge to consult Paula stronger than ever.
  2. A single pair of footsteps, heavy, keeping a regular pace.
  3. The lithe form twisted free, moving quickly to stand a pace away.
  4. I resist the impulse to put my foot down and maintain a steady pace.
  5. Feeling the first break in her stride, Jack finally slowed, lessening her pace gradually until she bore him at an ambling walk.
  6. I drive at a steady pace, slowing to allow oncoming traffic to round a cluster of cyclists.
  7. Normally I would have enjoyed the pace, the anonymity, the casual way people go about their day.
  8. I quicken my pace, eager to enter the safety of his front yard.
  9. Ignoring the discomfort, she kept pace with her father.
  10. Jack caught up only when Richard slowed the pace, a mile or so distant from Hazeldene.