English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "oorvol" is 'n byvoeglike naamwoord wat iets beskryf as gevul of tot oormaat gepak, dikwels buite sy normale kapasiteit of gemaksvlak. Dit kan verwys na fisiese voorwerpe, soos meubels of houers, wat oormatig gevul is met vulsel of inhoud. Boonop kan "oorvol" ook 'n gevoel beskryf van oormatig vol of tevrede wees, veral nadat jy 'n groot hoeveelheid kos geëet het.

Sentence Examples

  1. I frowned as I watched a tall woman dragging an overstuffed, brown suitcase behind her.
  2. Three years ago, before a horse kicked him in the head and killed him, her Uncle Scruggs had shown Olivia where he kept the red sack hidden, tacked to the bottom of his overstuffed chair.
  3. Fosgate held still in a sound state of preservation, an overstuffed pheasant of a man.
  4. The walls were painted light green, the overstuffed couches were chocolate velvet, and there were enough potted plants strewn about to change the atmospheric conditions.
  5. Consuela had disappeared into an enormous room filled with overstuffed couches, Spanish Colonial antiques, and a fireplace that could serve as a parking spot for a Mini-Cooper.
  6. Upstairs, they poured nightcaps and settled onto an overstuffed sofa.
  7. A low bookcase sat on the far wall with two overstuffed chairs.
  8. Anne quickly scanned the room and headed toward an overstuffed chair next to the fireplace.
  9. Thor paid and then steered me to an overstuffed couch to wait as the rest of the gods placed their orders.
  10. He was ready for a nap now, and the overstuffed sofa in her living room was calling to him.