English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "andersins" is: onder verskillende omstandighede; op 'n ander manier; in teenstelling met wat sopas genoem of beskryf is. Dit kan as 'n bywoord of 'n voegwoord gebruik word. As 'n bywoord word dit gebruik om 'n alternatiewe of ander moontlikheid of uitkoms aan te dui. As 'n voegwoord word dit gebruik om 'n kontrasterende stelling of idee bekend te stel aan wat voorheen gesĂȘ is.

Sentence Examples

  1. Yet neither made the situation any less impossible, no matter the level of fervency with which her heart might wish otherwise.
  2. They were as big as medium sized dogs, but otherwise appeared as a dragon would, except for the lolling tongue, excited panting and the tiny spouts of flame that accompanied their bark.
  3. A few seconds later the fire flickered out and the golem still stood, scorched, but otherwise unhurt.
  4. All House Staerleigh children are assumed to be Seafarers until proven otherwise.
  5. With so little space to work out, they had to be closer to one another than they might otherwise have been.
  6. Nell had drilled it into me so often it was inconceivable to assume otherwise.
  7. Sure, he still ran in circles when I brushed against his old leash hanging in the coat closet, but otherwise, he was officially a mountain dog.
  8. He wanted her to have a reason to stay because she would otherwise feel obliged to leave, now that they were finished with the deshya.
  9. Otherwise she risked losing sight of her father, who she knew would leave promptly after dinner ended, as he had every time he had attended one of these secretive meetings.
  10. Evan was feeling the consequences of his fire spells, his body shivering uncontrollably, but otherwise he was fine.

TV Series Examples



otherwise we've wasted good steel on them.



The only man who could say otherwise