English to afrikaans meaning of

Die term "Orleans" verwys tipies na twee verskillende entiteite, elk met sy eie duidelike betekenis. Hier is die definisies vir albei:Orleans (selfstandige naamwoord): a. 'n Stad: Orleans, ook bekend as Orléans, is 'n stad geleë in noord-sentrale Frankryk, geleë aan die Loire-rivier. Dit is die hoofstad van die Loiret-departement en het historiese betekenis as 'n sleutelterrein tydens die Honderdjarige Oorlog. b. 'n Van: Orleans kan ook 'n van wees, wat tipies geassosieer word met individue van Franse oorsprong.New Orleans (selfstandige naamwoord): New Orleans, dikwels na verwys as NOLA, is 'n stad in die Verenigde State, geleë in die staat Louisiana. New Orleans, wat langs die Mississippi-rivier naby die Golf van Mexiko geleë is, is bekend vir sy ryk kultuur, jazzmusiek, lewendige feeste (soos Mardi Gras), en kenmerkende Kreoolse en Cajun-kombuis.Neem asseblief kennis dat die term "Orleans" addisionele betekenisse in verskeie kontekste kan hê, maar die definisies hierbo dek die algemeenste.

Sentence Examples

  1. I close my eyes and the New Orleans night looms in front of us, the day we drove back for the first time.
  2. I have to stop by the house and give TB the mail, since mail service in New Orleans is spotty at best.
  3. Usually I ignore the crazies in New Orleans, too, especially in Louis Armstrong Airport where half of the tourists are glazed and hung over and the other still fresh and slobbering from a night on Bourbon Street.
  4. My first press trip and I so wanted to escape the insanity of New Orleans and enjoy my new career, embrace the exciting new life that I valiantly created for myself.
  5. Bernard Parish for the New Orleans Post while writing travel on the side for the Sunday edition and a few other small magazines and newspapers.
  6. It was like a blanket had descended upon my town, replacing New Orleans with something akin to wet, moldy cardboard.
  7. Too bad New Orleans never had such pull, I think, as I head down impeccable marble aisles toward the baggage claim.
  8. I had been sure people were desperate to get back home the moment they opened Orleans Parish and the interstate would have been clogged with traffic, but at that moment I got it.
  9. The Crescent City had long outgrown its airport and progressive politicians had suggested a larger international airport almost halfway between Baton Rouge and New Orleans with a light rail in between but the idea never took.
  10. We followed the headlights of our car into Orleans Parish once we crossed over from Metairie, the Jefferson Parish suburb showing signs of life due to it being on the unbreached end of the broken levees.