English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "oop" het verskeie woordeboekbetekenisse, insluitend:Byvoeglike naamwoord: nie gesluit of versper nie; toegang, deurgang of uitsig toe te laat; nie toegemaak, bedek of verseël nie. Voorbeeld: Die venster is oop, sodat vars lug inkom.Byvoeglike naamwoord: ontvanklik vir nuwe idees of argumente; onvoorwaardelik of openhartig in spraak; eerlik of opreg. Voorbeeld: Hy was oop vir voorstelle oor hoe om die projek te verbeter.Werkwoord: om te veroorsaak of toe te laat dat iets losgemaak, ontsluit of losgemaak word; toeganklik te maak. Voorbeeld: Maak asseblief vir my die deur oop.Werkwoord: om te begin of te begin; beskikbaar te stel vir gebruik of deelname. Voorbeeld: Die winkel sal om 09:00 oopmaak.Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n onbelemmerde of onbewoonde ruimte; 'n breuk of opening; 'n geleentheid of kans. Voorbeeld: Daar was 'n oop spasie in die parkeerterrein waar ek my motor kon parkeer.

Sentence Examples

  1. As he pressed the remote to open the door, I stopped him.
  2. Her slate-gray winter coat hung open and revealed a floor-length black dress beneath its heavy fabric.
  3. When I arrived, the door was open, and the lights were on, but no one was inside.
  4. I pushed open the door to the kitchen and helped myself to a glass of water.
  5. My father pushed open the swinging door into the kitchen.
  6. Since the top floor was only large enough for his furniture, given the peaks of the slanted roof and the built-in library shelves, Lorraine sat in a central open section on the second floor between the two staircases.
  7. My eyes popped open like a deer caught in headlights.
  8. Two shutters banged against the exterior wall near a large open window.
  9. Someone had left the window open, or the heat had stopped functioning.
  10. It was so hot in there, I needed to open the window.

TV Series Examples



to open your gates, my lord...



Bar the doors and do not open them



Arya, open the door.



As in, "l'm going to open your lord