English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van opaal is 'n mineraal wat 'n gehidreerde vorm van silika is, gewoonlik met 'n melkerige of pêrelagtige voorkoms en dikwels irisering vertoon. Dit word tipies as 'n edelsteen in juweliersware gebruik as gevolg van sy unieke en kleurvolle kleurspel.

Sentence Examples

  1. He shook himself and rose back to his feet, even the magic of an Opal Mage repelled by his cipher defenses.
  2. The Opal mage had spent the morning crafting an amulet, pouring huge amounts of power into it, only to have it rendered inert the moment it touched my skin.
  3. Satisfied, she used the opal stone around her neck to teleport back to Indigo Isle and spread the word to her sisters.
  4. The only level of mastery above Sapphire was Opal, denoting a mage who could trigger a spell with a thought.
  5. Kallan lifted her eyes to the citadel whose white opal face vanished into the clouds.
  6. As the pale woman spoke with the earl quietly, she played with an opal that hung around her neck.
  7. There, the Dokkalfar built their mountain city, Lorlenalin, the White Opal.
  8. The pommel itself flashed in the sun with the reds, black, blues, and greens of a black fire opal.
  9. The sunlight caught the fire opal poised at the end of the hilt as he sauntered, holding the sword steady at his side.
  10. The deep and pointed collar of her pink dress shirt covered her entire neck and had a small opal and silver broach clasped over the top button.