English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "een" wissel na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar algemene betekenisse:Adjektief: Verwys na 'n enkele entiteit, persoon of ding. Voorbeeld: "Ek het net een appel oor."Selfstandige naamwoord: Die getal 1. Voorbeeld: "Twee minus een is gelyk aan een."Voornaamwoord: Verwys na 'n enkele entiteit, persoon , of ding. Voorbeeld: "'n Mens moet altyd streef na uitnemendheid."Bepaler: Word voor 'n selfstandige naamwoord gebruik om aan te dui dat dit enkelvoud is. Voorbeeld: "Ek sal asseblief een sny pizza neem."Bywoord: Word gebruik om 'n bepaalde aspek of eienskap te beklemtoon. Voorbeeld: "Hy is een van die mees talentvolle sangers wat ek nog ooit gehoor het."Tussenwerpsel: Word gebruik om verbasing, goedkeuring of bewondering uit te spreek. Voorbeeld: "Een! Dit was 'n wonderlike skoot!"

Sentence Examples

  1. Braxton, one of four charming villages surrounded by the Wharton Mountains and the Saddlebrooke National Forest, felt impenetrable from outside forces.
  2. Not one to back down from a challenge, I ducked to the ground to gather a handful of snow and steadied myself to throw a powerful curveball.
  3. Her curly, dirty-blond hair was pinned to one side of her head with a bright crimson bow matching the color of her dress.
  4. Castle dropped her empty glass on a tray and grabbed a fresh one.
  5. I skimmed the expanse of the room with a fleeting thought that I could pick out Abby, but no one matched the imagined description.
  6. Lacking any official records, she could continue to deny it, but I knew better given I was the one who had to convince Sheriff Montague to release Nana D.
  7. It seemed the opposite of what I thought ordinarily happened as one aged.
  8. Then I speculated she currently attended the college or previously went to school with one of my siblings.
  9. While there was no staircase accessing the third floor from the back side of the building, a narrow one in the front led to a cozy library and common area for students working on a group project or a professor holding a special lecture session.
  10. One person initiated a goodbye sequence, and the other held it up to share remaining thoughts.

TV Series Examples



And which one of you



from one end or the other,



One lot steals a goat from another lot,



One for each of the Stark children.



One minute he was fine and then...



there's only one thing he's after.