English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "oud" wissel na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:Al lank gelewe; nie meer jonk nie; verouderd.Van 'n bepaalde ouderdom in die verlede; voormalige.Behoort tot 'n afgeleë of voormalige tydperk in die geskiedenis; oud.Al lankal gebruik, gedra of hanteer; nie nuut of vars nie.Bekend deur lang kennismaking of bekendheid.Nie meer in gebruik nie; verouderd of outyds.Van 'n bepaalde ouderdom; nader of verby middeljarige ouderdom.Ervare; geoefen of vertroud is met iets.Intiem; naby; bekend.Gebruik om liefde of bekendheid uit te druk, soos in "my ou vriend."Neem kennis dat die definisie van "oud" ook kan verskil na gelang van die kulturele of sosiale konteks waarin dit gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. I was more than happy to visit our old stomping grounds.
  2. I dragged the luggage to my old bedroom, which my mother had once fretted over, harboring some foolish notion I might move back home.
  3. And why did I always feel like I was five years old around him?
  4. It figured my old friend from the Academy would want to know the details.
  5. While in town, I could reconnect with some old buddies and solve a crime!
  6. Diamond Hall, an old colonial-style mansion, had been converted into a series of classrooms and departmental offices a few decades earlier.
  7. Getting the old contacts out was a relief to my sore eyes.
  8. With no one to leave instructions, we were at a complete loose end, turfed out of our old office, and most of the area was under investigation.
  9. Should I look to her for how to handle my old, sourpuss spitfire lemon better known as Dr.
  10. Either I was getting old, or other people were getting crazier.

TV Series Examples



Do any of you still keep the old gods?



you discard your old family



When you're old enough, l'll make you a match



- How old are you, boy?



They wasn't gone, old man.



"Our way is the old way"?