English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "offshore" is verwant aan of geleë in die see, veral relatief ver van die kus af. Dit kan ook verwys na aktiwiteite of bedrywighede wat in die see, weg van die kus of in 'n vreemde land plaasvind. Hier is 'n paar voorbeeldsinne wat "afsee" in verskillende kontekste gebruik:Die aflandige windplaas was 20 myl van die kus geleë.Baie lande het aflandige oliebore om te ontgin olie en gas vanaf die seebodem.Die maatskappy het 'n buitelandse bankrekening gehad om te verhoed dat belasting in hul tuisland betaal word.Buitelandse uitkontraktering het al hoe meer gewild geword vir besighede wat koste wil besnoei.

Sentence Examples

  1. Offshore, in a crescent formation, was rank after rank of ships.
  2. About a mile offshore, the shapes of boats could be dimly seen, clustered together as if seeking solace.
  3. Even the black spots on the sand, oil clumping like cat litter, waste from the offshore drilling her father was mostly responsible for.
  4. We wanted to see the Kenyan coast, and friends had recommended Lamu, an island only a mile offshore.
  5. Wave Skimmer lay a mile offshore, half hidden in a welter of spray.
  6. Two-man row boats, and those only slightly larger, barely ventured offshore in order to cast nets.
  7. The harbour district actually lay on an island just offshore of the mainland, and Kadmus wended his way through narrow, crate-clogged alleys to navigate the isle.
  8. She was twenty yards offshore now, with Oengus holding the steering oar and all other eyes fixed on her.
  9. This process masked the call, routing it through an offshore international service, nearly impossible to trace.
  10. Kyle lowered the sails and stopped offshore from a hotel and marina.