English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "offer" is 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat verwys na die handeling om iets aan te bied of te gee, veral as 'n geskenk of 'n offer, of die ding wat aangebied of gegee word. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n produk, diens of geleentheid wat beskikbaar is vir aankoop of oorweging. Boonop, in 'n godsdienstige konteks, kan "offer" verwys na 'n geskenk of opoffering wat aan 'n god of as deel van 'n godsdienstige seremonie of ritueel gemaak is.


  1. oblation

Sentence Examples

  1. I glance back at the others, offering my front row perch.
  2. Elder Borean patted her hand and made soothing noises, offering her his handkerchief so that she could wipe away the tears that had begun to roll over her cheeks again.
  3. Cleva and Jake headed to the kitchen, and I could hear her offering him a treat.
  4. Zeke and Xavier were there too, offering words of encouragement and advice.
  5. Eleanor lured me over by offering to prepare an amazing meal.
  6. And what the hell had I been thinking offering to call Simon?
  7. We begin our tour in the bar, with each of the three offering different slices of history on the hotel and the town.
  8. My mother paused before offering an awkward, non-committal answer.
  9. Nanette recounts how Baker purchased the hotel that was lingering unused in hard times, renaming it the Baker Hospital and offering the same cure.
  10. Now Chief Flim has brought him back here to work on her special project, offering him a chance for advancement at last.

TV Series Examples



He'll be offering a handsome reward.