English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "af" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:Weg van 'n plek of posisie: "Hy het met die pad afgery."Nie in werking of in gebruik nie: "Die ligte is af in die gebou."Op 'n afstand in tyd of ruimte: "Ek het 'n paar dae van die werk af geneem."Na die kant of weg van 'n koers of rigting: "Hy het van die pad af weggedraai om nie die takbok te raak nie."In 'n toestand van aangeskakel of afgeskakel: "Sy het die TV afgeskakel voordat sy die kamer verlaat het."Soos 'n voorvoegsel, wat verwydering, kansellasie of staking aandui: "Sy het die troue afgelas."In 'n toestand van nie kontak of verbind nie: "Hy haal sy hoed af en sit dit op die tafel. "As 'n byvoeglike naamwoord, wat iets aandui wat nie op of teenwoordig is nie: "Ons moet meer eiers koop, ons hardloop van hulle af."

Sentence Examples

  1. It would be an interesting discussion with my father when he graciously stepped off his high horse and spoke to me again.
  2. When I was certain the blue sedan turned the corner, I stood and casually brushed off my pants.
  3. Anyone who hooked up with Derek was slightly off her rocker.
  4. Once the initial shock of my surroundings wore off, I stretched and grunted at the crunch in my lower spine from sleeping on the firmest mattress known to man.
  5. I braved the near-freezing temperature and dodged a few icicles dropping off the roofline as I hopped in the Jeep.
  6. The driver reached into the mailbox, rifled through a few envelopes and a magazine, then took off down the street.
  7. I dusted myself off and rushed under the protection of a covered porch to read her text.
  8. He was still single, dated on and off through the years, but nothing serious.
  9. As the cable car pulled in, a light bulb went off in my head about how I could introduce myself to Coach Oliver.
  10. A fire damaged the first floor in the late 1960s during a Vietnam War protest that had gone off the deep end.

TV Series Examples



you rode off with Robert Baratheon.



off to join the ancient order



l'm not like him. l didn't fight off anything.



When we were seven and you jumped off



and piss off the edge of the world.



they cut off their braid