English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "vreemd" is:Anders as wat gewoonlik of verwag word; vreemd of eienaardig.Nie deelbaar deur twee nie; 'n onewe getal.Effens vreemd of ongewoon; 'n bietjie af.Kom af en toe of sporadies voor; selde.Voorbeelde:Dit is vreemd dat hy nie vandag sonder enige verduideliking vir werk opgedaag het nie.Die huis het 'n vreemde uitleg waaraan jy gewoond moet raak.Sy het 'n vreemde gevoel gehad dat sy dopgehou word.Hy het 'n vreemde gewoonte om op sy voet te tik wanneer hy senuweeagtig is.Ek het 'n vreemde werk wat my toelaat om die meeste van die tyd van die huis af te werk.

Sentence Examples

  1. Our odd family had later added Jeth and Alber, my brothers.
  2. Odd, given I was the one who got out of the ticket.
  3. Something seemed odd about that, but I had to take the opportunity.
  4. For an instant, I swore there was an odd gleam at the back of his eyes, but perhaps it was a trick of the light.
  5. Then I noticed something odd at the base of the statue in the courtyard.
  6. After going over the story yet again, I switched to autopilot and began thinking about how odd it all was.
  7. With only one boot, he was forced to hobble, while I pelted through three lanes of hover cars in a zigzag, feet skidding on the odd metal they used in place of tarmac.
  8. Her thick dark hair was swept in a high ponytail and she wore a smart shirt and trousers which looked odd on her.
  9. Plus the material of the suits had an odd, scaled sheen that gave me the sinking feeling it was magicproof.
  10. It just seemed odd that a killer would target someone so innocuous.

TV Series Examples



You have odd notions



She has odd cravings, our sister.