English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "beswaar" is 'n formele uitdrukking van meningsverskil of afkeur, tipies gemaak tydens 'n bespreking, debat of regsgeding. Dit is 'n stelling of protes wat teen iets geopper word, wat dikwels 'n onenigheid met 'n spesifieke idee, voorstel, stelling, optrede of besluit aandui. Besware word algemeen gebruik om 'n eis, argument of standpunt te betwis of te betwis, en dit kan mondelings of skriftelik uitgedruk word. In regskontekste word besware dikwels tydens 'n verhoor of verhoor geopper om aan te dui dat daar nie saamstem met getuienis of getuienis wat deur die opponerende party aangebied word nie. Oor die algemeen is 'n beswaar 'n formele uitdrukking van afkeuring of afkeuring wat daarop gemik is om 'n vermeende fout, fout of teenstrydigheid in 'n gegewe situasie of argument uit te lig.

Sentence Examples

  1. Before any of us can raise an objection, the king lifts his hand.
  2. Woodhouse see no objection, and I trust you cannot, my father hopes his friends will be so kind as to visit him there.
  3. When he stops, I breathe in relief to which he replies with a groan of objection.
  4. To this plan I strenuously objected, and so far as my going was concerned, for I said that I intended to stay and protect Mina, I thought that my mind was made up on the subject but Mina would not listen to my objection.
  5. With every boat which we have over-hauled since then this trick has succeeded we have had every deference shown to us, and not once any objection to whatever we chose to ask or do.
  6. Before either could voice their objection, she snatched up a strip of salted reindeer and settled herself down beside Rune.
  7. She did not in any way make objection, but looked at me gratefully whenever I caught her eye.
  8. The voice in her head screamed in objection, but only a whisper reached her.
  9. Two days later the viceroy discussed with Don Antonio the steps they should take to enable Ana Felix and her father to stay in Spain, for it seemed to them there could be no objection to a daughter who was so good a Christian and a father to all appearance so well disposed remaining there.
  10. Sleuth Paula, unlike the real Paula, will have no objection to fine dining.