English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "nimf" is 'n mitologiese gees van die natuur wat voorgestel word as 'n pragtige meisie wat riviere, woude of ander plekke bewoon. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n jong vrou wat as aantreklik beskou word, en soms kan dit verwys na die onvolwasse vorm van insekte soos sprinkane of naaldekokers wat onvolledige metamorfose ondergaan.

Sentence Examples

  1. Dantès, as we have said, had traced the marks along the rocks, and he had noticed that they led to a small creek, which was hidden like the bath of some ancient nymph.
  2. High She inhaled the smoke deeply and held it while he desperately tried to make her laugh, prancing about the room like a nude nymph.
  3. Banished here or not, no Titan, not even a Nymph, would live in squalor.
  4. Like a wood nymph, he thought fancifully, glancing around at the canopy created by the large fir trees above him.
  5. Thou hast jilted a maiden As fair to behold As nymph of Diana Or Venus of old.
  6. The car was twice or, perhaps, three times as large as the former ones, and in front and on the sides stood twelve more penitents, all as white as snow and all with lighted tapers, a spectacle to excite fear as well as wonder and on a raised throne was seated a nymph draped in a multitude of silver-tissue veils with an embroidery of countless gold spangles glittering all over them, that made her appear, if not richly, at least brilliantly, apparelled.
  7. It had a picture of a naked nymph looking over her shoulder and biting her thumb seductively.
  8. And from this marvellous union shall come forth to the light of the world brave whelps that shall rival the ravening claws of their valiant father and this shall come to pass ere the pursuer of the flying nymph shall in his swift natural course have twice visited the starry signs.
  9. It boggled the mind that any Titan, even a Nymph, could spend her time on such mundane pursuits.
  10. The pixie miscreants were followed by a nymph, a girl with muddy-green skin and clothed in leaves.