English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "voeding" is die voedsel of ander stowwe wat nodig is vir groei, gesondheid en goeie toestand. Dit kan ook verwys na die proses om sulke voedsel te verskaf of die handeling van voed of gevoed word. Oor die algemeen verwys voeding na enigiets wat iemand se fisiese of geestelike welstand ondersteun of verbeter, insluitend kos, drank, opvoeding, liefde en sorg.

Sentence Examples

  1. For to try to persuade anybody that Amadis, and all the other knights-adventurers with whom the books are filled, never existed, would be like trying to persuade him that the sun does not yield light, or ice cold, or earth nourishment.
  2. High cheekbones protruded sharply, pulling her pallid, grayish skin taut, and emphasizing her lack of nourishment.
  3. He then put his forehoof to his mouth, at which I was much surprised, although he did it with ease, and with a motion that appeared perfectly natural and made other signs to know what I would eat but I could not return him such an answer as he was able to apprehend and if he had understood me, I did not see how I was possibly to contrive any way for finding myself nourishment.
  4. They drop into the flower boxes waiting to soak up the natural nourishment.
  5. The jāānkun would supply nourishment during the trade-winds season when food was scarce, and the women of Wōtto made very fine jaki, and their men dried fine jāānkun as well.
  6. More often than not, supes would go drinking at The Wilds and then stumble across the street to gobble down some greasy nourishment before they headed home to sleep it off.
  7. I had never gotten around to lunch, and my body needed nourishment.
  8. Don Quixote did not care to break his fast, for, as has been already said, he confined himself to savoury recollections for nourishment.
  9. Weak from injuries and lack of nourishment, Lucky collapsed.
  10. She was hardly able to turn her head, and the little nourishment which she could take seemed to do her no good.