English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "norm" is 'n standaard, model of patroon wat algemeen aanvaar of gevestig word as 'n tipiese voorbeeld van iets. Dit kan verwys na 'n stel beginsels, waardes of gedrag wat as tipies of verwag word in 'n spesifieke samelewing, kultuur of groep. Dit kan ook gebruik word om 'n vlak van prestasie of prestasie te beskryf wat as tipies of gemiddeld in 'n spesifieke veld of konteks beskou word. Oor die algemeen word die term "norm" gebruik om 'n algemeen aanvaarde of verwagte standaard of gedrag te beskryf.


  1. average

Sentence Examples

  1. Before entering the city, she worried that her leather Tantarri garb might make her stick out, but she now realized that the city hosted such a variety of styles, hers was not outside the norm.
  2. It was a household where unannounced guests who arrived and left after dark was the norm.
  3. Urban planning was the norm, so it was very easy to find his way around.
  4. Not everyone needed early blood tests, but ultrasounds were the norm.
  5. It was hard clinging to reality when her norm became infested with the undead.
  6. Gentle seas and warm sunny days were not the norm on the North Atlantic in late summer.
  7. It appeared that until Cat and Alek woke from their deep sleeps, this would be the norm.
  8. Fires were started, objects were sent flying, and arguments boiled into near fistfights everywhere you looked, and by the way everyone else reacted, it was clear that was simply the norm for them.
  9. A being old enough to have experienced a measure of sorrow miles beyond the norm.
  10. The balance of my life has just tipped past the predictable norm and into a realm of welcome spontaneity.