English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "rats" is om iets vinnig, liggies en met gemak of behendigheid te doen. Dit verwys na die vermoƫ om vinnig en maklik te beweeg, dikwels met grasie en vaardigheid. Dit kan ook 'n gevoel van ratsheid of behendigheid impliseer in die manier waarop iemand 'n taak of aktiwiteit uitvoer. Sinonieme vir "nimbly" sluit rats, vlugtig, behendig en grasieus in.


  1. agilely

Sentence Examples

  1. They climbed high trees as nimbly as a squirrel, for they had strong extended claws before and behind, terminating in sharp points, and hooked.
  2. The white haired, cocoa-skinned man moved less nimbly as he walked up the stairs, back hunched.
  3. The person was dressed all in black and Kade saw that he was coming his way stepping over the rubble and nimbly working his way carefully down the hall.
  4. Winking at him, she slid out in a flurry of petticoats to climb nimbly down the rope.
  5. Seconds later, Cap pulled back on the stick and the aircraft lifted nimbly into the air.
  6. It came in with its fangs barred, but Dillon nimbly dodged out of the way and delivered another blow, this time in the thigh.
  7. Zalphium pushed himself to move more nimbly than the previous run, constantly challenging his own best.