English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "nagtyd" is die tydperk van duisternis tussen sonsondergang en sonsopkoms, tipies vanaf ongeveer 18:00. tot 06:00 in die meeste dele van die wêreld. Dit is die tyd van die dag wanneer die son sak en dit donker buite is, en mense slaap gewoonlik gedurende hierdie tyd. Die woord "nag" word dikwels gebruik om te verwys na aktiwiteite of gebeurtenisse wat plaasvind gedurende hierdie tydperk van duisternis.


  1. dark
  2. night

Sentence Examples

  1. I bought soft blue sofas from a furniture store and bought a lot of vintage stuff, a filtered lamp that cast glows of yellow at nighttime, two white high stools that I put at the kitchen counter, a rectangular coffee table, and an Arabian rug placed in the middle of the room underneath it.
  2. Afterward, I escaped into my bedroom and shut the door, and did my own nighttime prep.
  3. The fireball dwarfed the brilliance of what had been Broadway, fired the nighttime sky beyond the sun.
  4. With the sun gone, nighttime had bathed us in darkness and wrapped me in a cold blanket.
  5. The intensity varied by season, but there always seemed to be background croaking for any nighttime outdoor activities.
  6. Every common nighttime sound now struck him as a potential threat.
  7. One minute, I contemplated the flower-like appearance of the paperwork, and the next I felt like I was looking at the ocean after a nighttime squall.
  8. In the nighttime there was nobody out but the users and no one and nothing in the plant except the rats, including one with a black cowboy hat.
  9. Although I was learning a lot during the day, nighttime was still difficult.
  10. In fact, by studying her notes, Cianne had realized that the only House members who had gone outside of the enclave on these secretive nighttime excursions had been Moiria, Daerwyn, Elder Borean, and Elder Vorfarth.