English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "naby" is "naby in ruimte, tyd of verhouding." Dit kan as 'n byvoeglike naamwoord of bywoord gebruik word om iets te beskryf wat naby is in die nabyheid of tyd. Byvoorbeeld, "Die einde van die semester is naby" beteken dat die einde van die semester naby is of nader. As 'n bywoord kan dit "amper" of "byna" beteken, soos in die sin "Ek was amper uitgeput nadat ek 'n marathon gehardloop het."


  1. near
  2. close

Sentence Examples

  1. Father had been nigh a skald himself, and Ve took after him that way.
  2. And yet, nineteen winters was already nigh past marrying age.
  3. The reprieve of the last days, however, had given me hope, which in turn made the renewed weight of an eternity of solitude nigh unbearable.
  4. As evening drew nigh, Loki directed them toward a ruined tower in the foothills beneath the Sudurberks.
  5. The Godwulf lands lay on the eastern reaches of Aujum, nigh unto where the Jarnvid formed much of the border with Bjarmaland.
  6. The slope had turned steep, and even using Gungnir as a walking stick, his progress had slowed nigh unto a crawl.
  7. Instead, Tyr had found it abandoned, nigh the southern border of Athra lands.
  8. Her foster parents were not nigh as old as her real father, but still, time had worn on them.
  9. The ground rumbled beneath him, nigh costing him his balance.
  10. The man nodded at them as he drew nigh, and Odin motioned for him to sit.