English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "neuroties" is:byvoeglike naamwoordwat verband hou met, behels of ly aan neurose ('n geestesversteuring wat gekenmerk word deur angs, obsessief) gedrag en ander simptome wat nie noodwendig gestremdhede in werklikheidstoetsing of sosiale funksionering behels nie).informeel: abnormaal sensitief, obsessief of angstig.selfstandige naamwoord 'n persoon wat aan 'n neurose ly.informeel: 'n abnormaal sensitiewe of angstige persoon.

Sentence Examples

  1. And having to listen to Malin in bindery bitch and moan and curse like some whacky PMS-stricken neurotic cunt.
  2. They had obviously, like himself, much better things to do than waste their time looking at profiles whose neurotic owners did not even manage to in-clude any pictures.
  3. Jamie currently resides in Florida with her two neurotic dogs who enjoy stealing socks and chasing lizards.