English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "senuwees" kan veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:(selfstandige naamwoord) die bondels vesel in die liggaam wat seine tussen die brein en ander dele van die liggaam oordra(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n toestand van opwinding of angs, dikwels gekenmerk deur 'n gevoel van spanning of ongemak(meervoud selfstandige naamwoord) die moed of deursettingsvermoë om 'n moeilike of uitdagende situasie die hoof te bied(meervoud selfstandige naamwoord) 'n persoon se verstandelike of emosionele veerkragtigheid of stabiliteitByvoorbeeld, in die sin "My senuwees is geskiet van al hierdie spanning," verwys "senuwees" na 'n toestand van opwinding of angs. In die sin "Hy het die senuwees van 'n staal," verwys "senuwees" na 'n persoon se geestelike of emosionele veerkragtigheid of stabiliteit.

Sentence Examples

  1. The buzz of magic was starting to get on my nerves by now.
  2. His nerves had returned again as they rode up the final stretch towards the gate, unsure of the reception he would receive.
  3. It was hard to separate it from the normal barn smells of animal waste and dusty hay, but whatever it was, it set my already agitated nerves on edge.
  4. He took it, the contact with her skin once more making his nerves tingle, and got to his feet.
  5. He felt the whole force of what he had done course though him like fire, burning his nerves, making his chest tighten and his heart beat painfully.
  6. She was jittery with nerves, and Kila was taken aback.
  7. Having him in the manor while they were uncertain whether there was something for him to uncover must be stretching their nerves taut.
  8. At the far end of the hallway, orange flames snapped across the ceiling, and my nerves tingled.
  9. Inevitably nerves seized hold of him as he said his goodbyes and departed, heading back to Castle-Coterie to face his trial.
  10. My nerves get the better of me when I think about linking with him.