English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "nemesis" is 'n situasie, persoon of ding wat iemand se ondergang of nederlaag veroorsaak, veral 'n jarelange mededinger of 'n aartsvyand. Dit word dikwels gebruik om 'n persoon of krag te beskryf wat 'n ander straf vir hul optrede, veral as daardie optrede immoreel of skadelik is. Die woord "nemesis" kan ook verwys na die godin van goddelike vergelding in die Griekse mitologie.

Sentence Examples

  1. Or, in the case of warrior-monks, until they meet their ultimate nemesis and fall in combat.
  2. Kate turned and squinted into the morning sunlight that glanced through the tall windows of the open lobby, hitting her teenage nemesis at just the wrong angle.
  3. That the one follows from the other, catharsis from nemesis.
  4. Sara gave chase, almost certain of where to find her nemesis.
  5. Legends say that just before they withdrew, still smoldering from the rude abuse they had received from their young and arrogant creation, the gods decided to punish man for his insolence by creating their eternal tormentor and nemesis.
  6. He had betrayed the so-called Elder Gods, or so Nemesis had accused him.
  7. It occurred to him to pay a visit to his nemesis, Detective Inspector Shaw.
  8. The Nemesis of the delicate ones was creeping on apace.
  9. She swooped down, throwing her body against the black-scaled beast, her nemesis.
  10. However, she had never before seen her former nemesis in such misery.