English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "verwaarlosing" is:werkwoord (met voorwerp gebruik)om geen aandag of te min aandag aan te gee nie; verontagsaming of gering: Die publiek het sy genialiteit vir baie jare verwaarloos.om nalatig te wees in die versorging of behandeling van: om 'n mens se gesondheid te verwaarloos.om deur onverskilligheid of agterlosigheid weg te laat: om na te laat om op 'n uitnodiging te antwoord.om te versuim om uit te voer of uit te voer (bevele, pligte, ens.): om die huishoudelike take na te laat.om te versuim om te neem of te gebruik : om 'n geleentheid te verwaarloos.(Argaïes) om te verontagsaam of ongehoorsaam te wees ('n persoon, reël, ens.).selfstandige naamwoord 7. 'n handeling of geval van verwaarlosing; nalatigheid: Die verwaarlosing van die eiendom was skandelik.die toestand of feit van verwaarlosing: 'n skoonheid wat deur verwaarlosing ontsier is.(Argaïese) verontagsaming ; nalatigheid.


  1. disregard

Sentence Examples

  1. These crumbling hulks were just the result of poor construction, neglect, and urban decay.
  2. Absolute neglect of the mother and sisters, when invited to come, would be ingratitude.
  3. Eustache call for me at dark, he will be sure not to call before but, if I wholly neglect to bid him call, my time for escape will be diminished, since it will be expected that I return the earlier, and my absence will the sooner excite anxiety.
  4. The feeling of neglect was missing, leaving behind nothing but happiness and hope.
  5. But those outside the wondrous experience see only the neglect it causes.
  6. This furnishes perhaps the least defensible of the items in the charge of neglect brought against his contemporaries.
  7. Soon he began to purposely neglect his studies and to disregard his duties, his aim being to secure his dismissal from the United States service.
  8. It was never my intention to neglect you, and still I must acknowledge my preoccupation.
  9. It was hard to believe that amongst so prosaic surroundings of neglect and dust and decay there was any ground for such fear as already we knew.
  10. He owed it to her, to risk any thing that might be involved in an unwelcome interference, rather than her welfare to encounter any thing, rather than the remembrance of neglect in such a cause.