English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "negatief" kan wees:om die teenoorgestelde van bevestiging uit te druk of te impliseer; ontkenning: 'n negatiewe reaksie op 'n vraag.uitdruk of impliseer weiering, verbod of afkeur: 'n negatiewe houding.gekenmerk deur die afwesigheid of ontkenning van iets wat as normaal of positief beskou word: 'n negatiewe uitkyk op die lewe.ontbreek positiewe eienskappe; onaangenaam of onaangenaam: negatiewe kritiek.nie konstruktief of nuttig nie: negatiewe terugvoer.wat 'n tekort of verlies aandui: 'n negatiewe saldo in 'n bankrekening. wat 'n fotografiese beeld of afdruk aandui waarin die ligste areas van die onderwerp deur die donkerste areas in die druk voorgestel word en omgekeerd.

Sentence Examples

  1. No, that was negative thinking, and she squelched it.
  2. His mind swam in a stew of negative possibilities.
  3. The color white contains an equal balance of all the colors of the spectrum, including what we associate with the positive and negative aspects of other colors.
  4. The water with the negative language had malformed crystals.
  5. At first there is a sort of negative condition, as if some tie were loosened, and then the absolute freedom quickly follows when, however, the freedom ceases the change-back or relapse comes quickly, preceded only by a spell of warning silence.
  6. Strong leaders can be either positive or negative characters.
  7. Nana D was the first to spill whatever was on her mind or laugh when others said anything negative about her.
  8. I check the instructions again, even though I already know that pink is positive and blue is negative.
  9. Her rigging, build, and general equipment, all negative a supposition of this kind.
  10. Westenra I should never forgive myself if any act of mine, were it even a negative one, brought harm on poor dear Lucy.