English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan "nek" verskeie woordeboekbetekenisse hê, insluitend:Die deel van die liggaam tussen die kop en die skouers by mense en baie diere.Die smal deel van 'n voorwerp wat twee wyer dele verbind, soos die nek van 'n bottel of die nek van 'n kitaar.'n Smal strook grond wat twee groter areas verbind, soos 'n skiereiland. of 'n landengte.Die deel van 'n kledingstuk wat om die nek pas, soos 'n kraag of 'n neklyn.'n Slangterm vir die keel of die daad van verwurging.As 'n werkwoord beteken "nek" om iemand romanties of liefdevol te soen, omhels of te koes.

Sentence Examples

  1. Rather than add a tie or broach, she wrapped an elegant silk scarf around her neck.
  2. A string of diamonds around her neck beamed at me rather than a smile.
  3. A creeping shiver whispered across her skin and lifted the hairs on the back of her neck.
  4. She swore at me over and over, kicking and hitting with elbows and knees, but I managed to manoeuvre the stunner to brush against the back of her neck, and flicked the switch.
  5. The pearls gently bouncing around her neck as she walked back to the table were an even nicer touch.
  6. I could feel blood dampen my hands where the nails dug in, sweat cold on the back of my neck.
  7. I shook my head, which felt like it had tried to detach itself from my neck.
  8. The deep and pointed collar of her pink dress shirt covered her entire neck and had a small opal and silver broach clasped over the top button.
  9. Their one weakness was ridiculous, an indentation behind the ear or on the back of the neck, easy to pick out.
  10. Shadows flowed from the hole in the back of its neck, thick as blood.

TV Series Examples



- My neck is beginning to hurt.