English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "Nazi" is 'n selfstandige naamwoord en dit verwys na 'n lid van die Nasionaal-Sosialistiese Duitse Werkersparty, wat van 1933 tot 1945 deur Adolf Hitler in Duitsland gelei is. Die term word ook gebruik om die ideologie en beleid te beskryf. van hierdie party, wat fascistiese en rassistiese beginsels ingesluit het wat gelei het tot die vervolging en volksmoord van miljoene mense tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog, veral Jode, homoseksuele, Romani-mense en ander wat deur die Nazi-regime as "onwenslik" beskou is. Die term "Nazi" word dikwels as 'n pejoratiewe term gebruik om iemand te beskryf wat onverdraagsaam of diskriminerend teenoor ander is op grond van hul ras, godsdiens of nasionaliteit.


  1. german nazi

Sentence Examples

  1. Daphne would be in a tizzy seeing me missing and so I made a beeline back to the flat, getting lost once when I turned at the wrong place and found myself in front of Nazi headquarters.
  2. A French lady started dancing with a Nazi, which ruined the whole thing for us.
  3. And what would they do with him once the results from their little Nazi experiment came in?
  4. For all I knew, she was in a Nazi prison camp with no one to help break her out.
  5. Daphne said it made her blood boil and once when no one was looking she bought a flower and laid it at a synagogue door, under a Nazi sign warning people to stay away.
  6. Parker knew what they were thinking because he had been one of them, the victim of a deranged medical experiment fit for Nazi doctors.
  7. Late twentieth century I would suggest, after the fall of Nazi Germany and Italy.
  8. Why had I killed those Nazi soldiers, why had I joined the war at all, when after hundreds of years I should have known better?
  9. Or maybe the Spa Nazi recognized my voice on the phone and decided to mess with my head.
  10. Everything in me wanted to keep reading Huckleberry Finn, but it was important that I bone up on the Nazi agenda, so I picked up Mein Kampf, spit on the cover, and started reading.