English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "Nancy" het veelvuldige betekenisse en kan verwys na:'n Vroulike voornaam'n Stad in die noordooste van Frankryk, hoofstad van die Meurthe-et- Moselle departement'n Slangterm wat gebruik word om na 'n homoseksuele man te verwys, veral in die Verenigde KoninkrykSonder meer konteks is dit moeilik om te bepaal watter betekenis die geskikste is .

Sentence Examples

  1. Nancy stowed the coins under her apron, but all she told him was that Fitzwarren had been at Framlingham.
  2. I assumed Nancy had given it to him to help cleanse her soul.
  3. Fitzgilbert claimed Nancy never opened the window.
  4. Some of the gifts had been a bit tongue-in-cheek such as a set of compost bins from Stewart, chocolate cherry candies from Kandi, and a set of Nancy Drew books from Sheriff Carson.
  5. Anne pulled out a book from the Nancy Drew series.
  6. Nancy had some strange ways, but they kept her happy.
  7. If only we knew which fortune-teller Nancy visited.
  8. Nancy had other women lovers before Elizabeth Fitzgilbert.
  9. Perhaps Nancy made the Baptist joke, not because of the damp.
  10. My friends were all carrying a torch for Nancy and always nagging me for information about her.