English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "mustang" het verskillende woordeboekbetekenisse na gelang van die konteks, maar verwys gewoonlik na 'n tipe perd. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:'n Klein, geharde perd van 'n ras wat tipies wild is en in die weste van die Verenigde State voorkom. Mustangs is bekend vir hul krag, spoed en uithouvermoë.'n Wilde of semi-wilde perd van enige ras.'n Amerikaanse vegvliegtuig wat tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog, die Koreaanse oorlog en ander konflikte gebruik is.(slang) 'n Persoon wat opstandig of onbeheersd is.Let daarop dat die eerste twee definisies die algemeenste vir die woord "mustang" gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. The Mustang was waiting by the curb, gleaming, top down.
  2. Kate walked around the gleaming Mustang, still dripping from its wash.
  3. Luckily, the air conditioning in the Mustang Coupe made breathing easier and added to the comfort of our shorts and T-shirts.
  4. So, he drove to Chicago, stuck her in his roaring red Mustang, brought her home, and they lived happily ever after.
  5. Sure enough, there was Peter, wearing running shorts and a white t-shirt, wrestling a red hose around to the side of a glistening vintage cherry-red Mustang convertible parked in his back driveway.
  6. Willie Banks, finally out of the can on bail, was in my parking lot with the hood of his beat-up Mustang raised.
  7. Drenched, freezing, and disturbed, Mason headed back to his Mustang, where Evie stood with her back pressed to the door.
  8. Peter reached the Mustang first and held the passenger door for her this time.
  9. He gunned the Mustang a little too fast around a curve.
  10. Willie was still screwing the pooch outside, his Mustang running in its own special way.