English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "muskus" is om 'n sterk, ryk en ietwat soet reuk te hê wat lyk soos die geur van muskus, wat 'n stof is wat deur die manlike muskushert afgeskei word en in parfuums en parfuums gebruik word. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n aardse of dierlike reuk, soortgelyk aan dié van muskus, wat dikwels gebruik word om die geur van sekere blomme, vrugte en ander natuurlike stowwe te beskryf. Daarbenewens kan "muskus" ook verwys na iets wat verband hou met of kenmerkend van muskus, soos die kleur of tekstuur van muskus, of die muskusgeur van sekere kosse of drankies.

Sentence Examples

  1. My body betrayed itself and shivered at his musky scent.
  2. He had the musky scent of the deep forest and gasoline.
  3. It was dim outside, dark clouds hung overhead and once she stepped onto the beach path, she smelt it, the musky scent of a storm brewing.
  4. It was the proximity of his face to mine and his musky, masculine scent that had me breathing heavy.
  5. Adam ended the kiss, and I rested my head on his chest, breathing in his warm, musky scent.
  6. She wanted to focus on his bare chest and musky scent.
  7. I could feel the heat from his body, smell his musky scent.
  8. The air conditioning buzzing went silent, the absence of fresh air gave the room a musky appearance.
  9. A musky, aromatic wood almost impossible to break and incapable of burning.
  10. A musky smell greeted Olivia when she pushed the door open.