English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "musketier" is 'n soldaat wat gewapen is met 'n musket, wat 'n tipe langloop vuurwapen is. Die term het oorspronklik verwys na 'n lid van 'n Franse infanterie-eenheid in die 16de en 17de eeue wat 'n musket as hul primêre wapen gedra het. Musketiers was bekend vir hul kenmerkende uniforms en is dikwels in letterkunde en kuns as heldhaftige figure uitgebeeld. Vandag word die term "musketier" soms wyer gebruik om te verwys na enigiemand wat vaardig is met 'n musket of ander vuurwapen.

Sentence Examples

  1. Fouquet, who was as much surprised as the musketeer.
  2. s lay all the doubt and difficulty that during late days had rendered the conduct of Aramis so suspicious to the musketeer.
  3. As it was after awhile generally remarked among those present that the musketeer was reserved, and wished for an opportunity for conversing secretly with Aramis, the Epicureans took their leave.
  4. The musketeer had certain scruples on the matter, it must be admitted.
  5. The prelate had again a little touch of the musketeer about him.
  6. This further arouses the suspicions of the musketeer, who was made to look ridiculous by Aramis.
  7. The Comte de la Fere puzzled his brains for some time, to divine what the musketeer could be going to do at Cannes, and what motive could have led him to examine the banks of the Var.
  8. Fouquet hastened to the brink of the river, dipped some water in his hat, with which he bathed the temples of the musketeer, and introduced a few drop between his lips.
  9. The earnestness of his words, the studied slowness with which he pronounced them, the solemnity of his oath, gave the musketeer the most complete satisfaction.
  10. The musketeer had no doubts, either, upon the reason which had urged the unfortunate Philippe to reveal his character and birth.