English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "musiek" is:(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n kunsvorm wat klank en stilte op 'n gestruktureerde en betekenisvolle manier gebruik om 'n komposisie te produseer wat esteties aangenaam is en emosies kan ontlok of buie in die luisteraar. Musiek kan geskep word met 'n verskeidenheid instrumente, insluitend die menslike stem, en kan 'n wye reeks style, genres en kulturele tradisies insluit. Dit word dikwels regstreeks voor 'n gehoor opgevoer, opgeneem vir latere verspreiding, of gebruik as 'n agtergrond vir ander vorme van artistieke uitdrukking soos film, teater of dans.

Sentence Examples

  1. Evan passed through the corridor where the theatre and magical music chambers were situated.
  2. The music pulsed, the crowd writhed, and Brooke danced.
  3. Given Nana D expected someone for music lessons, there was a decent chance she was Bridget.
  4. Brooke danced wildly to the techno music booming through the warehouse.
  5. At the same time, the communications, humanities, and music departments suffer with minimal software programs, deteriorating equipment, and lack of innovative venue spaces for live performances.
  6. As he turned the corner and stepped on to the illuminated escalator, the music faded and the castle fell silent.
  7. The TV aired a music video for Yaranus the Yeti rock star, whilst Adara, the chosen one, was expounding on one of his legendary feats to a group of adoring Apprentices.
  8. She was studying to become a teacher with a double focus in English literature and music education.
  9. At home, I always had music playing, or there were people around, people to talk to.
  10. The multicoloured floor was alive with flailing limbs, sweat drenched hair, and wild cries of delight and laughter that could scarcely be heard through the thunderous music.

TV Series Examples



The only music the northerners know