English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "gedemp" is om iets styf toe te draai of toe te maak met 'n lap of ander materiaal om geluid te demp of te voorkom, of om iets minder hard of duidelik te maak. Dit kan ook verwys na iets wat gepraat word op 'n manier wat nie duidelik of duidelik is nie, dikwels omdat dit bedek of belemmer is. Daarbenewens kan dit beteken om iets te verberg of weg te steek, veral jou emosies of gevoelens.

Sentence Examples

  1. My moans are muffled against his mouth as I lock my legs around his waist.
  2. So imagine my surprise when I heard the squeak of the rusty hinges and the muffled jingling of manacles as someone else stepped out of the unlocked boarding house.
  3. She could hear their muffled voices in the corridor outside, shortly after she heard the footsteps of the pair walking away from her room.
  4. Harry listened closely the shouting was muffled as if muted by foam.
  5. Indeed, as they walked, trying to ignore the squelching beneath their feet, as well as the muffled squeaks of rats, Kila noticed that Cianne was paying close attention to their heading, mentally ticking off every turn they made.
  6. Although a mile distant, the muffled conversations, the laughter, and the barking of the dogs still reached his ears.
  7. Letting out a muffled cry of pain, she picked herself up and pelted down the street just as the man emerged around the corner of his wall.
  8. A muffled scream escaped my mouth when I spotted blood oozing from a nasty gash on his leg.
  9. Fortunately, the noise is muffled in the cabin of the car, and the ride back home is quick.
  10. There was a muffled reply from within, which he took to mean he should admit himself.