English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "modderig" is om iets vuil of troebel te maak met modder, of om vuil of troebel te word met modder. Dit kan ook verwys na iets wat onduidelik, verward of deurmekaar is, soos in "'n modderige verduideliking". Daarbenewens kan dit gebruik word om iets te beskryf wat 'n bruinerige of aardse kleur het, soortgelyk aan die kleur van modder, soos in "modderige water".

Sentence Examples

  1. In a glance, I noticed her short hair was plastered to the side of her muddy face, and her eyes were closed.
  2. Run off from the roof gushes from a drainage outlet, eroding the soil beneath, creating several muddy rivulets which carve their way down towards the garden wall.
  3. He rolled several times across the ground, his face becoming both muddy and bloody.
  4. I rolled to the right as the spade slashed into the ground, splashing water against my muddy t-shirt.
  5. To muddy the waters a little more, the brain accesses the hippocampus, a critical area for recalling information.
  6. The muddy grass clogged his stride and then he stepped onto the concrete.
  7. She wears the schoolgirl outfit of the blond in the cave, but her hair combed back into a bun is a muddy red, the unfashionable color, not the one everyone emulates through Clairol.
  8. Lori is standing at the foot of my bed, dressed in her usual schoolgirl attire of a long white pleated skirt and matching sailor-esque top with her muddy red hair tied back with a ribbon.
  9. His fingers dug into the muddy earth until the knuckles on his hands were bone white.
  10. There were many creeks in this mountainous region, and it was necessary to cross Muddy Creek, Green Creek, and others, upon culverts.