English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "rou" is die uitdrukking van diepe hartseer of hartseer, veral in reaksie op die dood van iemand. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n tydperk waartydens mense hul hartseer uitdruk, tipies deur swart klere te dra of betrokke te raak by sekere rituele of gebruike. Daarbenewens kan "rou" verwys na die daad van treur of treur oor iets wat verlore is of nie meer teenwoordig is nie.


  1. lamentation

Sentence Examples

  1. I looked round, and through the crystal wall I saw passing through another chamber a procession of two lines of fair damsels all clad in mourning, and with white turbans of Turkish fashion on their heads.
  2. While they were still in uncertainty they saw advancing towards them through the garden two men clad in mourning robes so long and flowing that they trailed upon the ground.
  3. No trace has ever been found of the great dog at which there is much mourning, for, with public opinion in its present state, he would, I believe, be adopted by the town.
  4. An attendant who was on foot, seeing the encamisado fall, began to abuse Don Quixote, who now moved to anger, without any more ado, laying his lance in rest charged one of the men in mourning and brought him badly wounded to the ground, and as he wheeled round upon the others the agility with which he attacked and routed them was a sight to see, for it seemed just as if wings had that instant grown upon Rocinante, so lightly and proudly did he bear himself.
  5. The corridor was deserted, and Kila wondered if the servants were all up in their quarters, huddled together and mourning or gossiping.
  6. I am no longer young and my heart, through weary years of mourning over the dead, is not attuned to mirth.
  7. But one day at table with the duke and duchess, just as he was about to carry his resolution into effect and ask for their permission, lo and behold suddenly there came in through the door of the great hall two women, as they afterwards proved to be, draped in mourning from head to foot, one of whom approaching Don Quixote flung herself at full length at his feet, pressing her lips to them, and uttering moans so sad, so deep, and so doleful that she put all who heard and saw her into a state of perplexity and though the duke and duchess supposed it must be some joke their servants were playing off upon Don Quixote, still the earnest way the woman sighed and moaned and wept puzzled them and made them feel uncertain, until Don Quixote, touched with compassion, raised her up and made her unveil herself and remove the mantle from her tearful face.
  8. I tossed and turned most of the night while mourning the loss of Lorraine, but when I woke up on Tuesday, the desire to punish the killer was at the center of my thoughts.
  9. And if your misfortune should prove to be one of those that refuse admission to any sort of consolation, it was my purpose to join you in lamenting and mourning over it, so far as I could for it is still some comfort in misfortune to find one who can feel for it.
  10. Both groups lived, died, prospered, or failed at the whim of Cearus, so it was not inconceivable that Cearus himself might be mourning the passing of one of his most faithful.