English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "beweging" kan effens verskil na gelang van die konteks, maar hier is 'n algemene definisie:Die aksie of proses om te beweeg of geskuif te word.'n Gebaar of beweging van die liggaam of ledemate, veral as 'n uitdrukking van gevoel of denke.'n Formele voorstel wat voorgelê is vir oorweging of bespreking deur 'n beraadslagende vergadering.'n Verandering of ontwikkeling, veral 'n verandering in 'n persoon se omstandighede of lotgevalle.Die vermoë of krag om te beweeg of beweeg te word.Voorbeelde van gebruik:Die motor was in beweging terwyl dit met die snelweg af gejaag het.Sy het 'n beweging met haar hand gemaak om aan te dui dat sy klaar gepraat het.Die senator het 'n mosie ingedien om befondsing vir onderwys te verhoog.Die maatskappy se aandeelprys is die afgelope maand in beweging.Die atleet se ongelooflike spoed en beweging het hom gehelp om die wedloop te wen.


  1. gesture

Sentence Examples

  1. Their swords were a blur of motion, sparks flying sporadically as the two weapons choreographed a deadly dance.
  2. Brooke saw Merak flicker out of existence in a blur of motion, and then he was right behind her.
  3. The door opened in a silent sliding motion, and I caught a glimpse of a gleaming tunnel beyond, which led to the transition point.
  4. I pulled on magic and used its force to drive me, and the wrenching motion sent me flying backwards.
  5. He kneels ever so slightly to catch the water dripping into a particularly lovely pool, its drops sending circles through the water as if in slow motion.
  6. They were in the biggest courtyard outside Swordstone castle, surrounded by Arch-Realmers wielding scintillating blades in a whirl of motion, too fast and bright to follow.
  7. An involuntary motion of surprise nearly escaped him, for the description in the passport was identical with that of the bank robber which he had received from Scotland Yard.
  8. The massive walking-beam rose and fell above the deck at one end a piston-rod worked up and down and at the other was a connecting-rod which, in changing the rectilinear motion to a circular one, was directly connected with the shaft of the paddles.
  9. The other Onlekk made a grab for his arm, but Evan dodged away, stabbing the hand with an awkward jerking motion.
  10. Inhaling deeply, she parted her hands, her right extending out to her side in a fluid motion as she bent her left at the elbow.