English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n werkwoord kan "moot" beteken om 'n onderwerp vir bespreking of debat te bring, gewoonlik met die doel om 'n besluit te neem. As 'n byvoeglike naamwoord kan "moot" beteken:Onderhewig aan debat, dispuut of onsekerheid, en tipies nie erken van 'n finale besluit nie.Van min of geen praktiese waarde, betekenis of relevansie; suiwer akademies of teoreties.Byvoorbeeld:

Sentence Examples

  1. The issue became moot seconds later when the bell jingled again, and Earl stormed past me.
  2. It was also believed by Mortimer to have been at one time an Anglo-Saxon Moot Mound, although there is no direct evidence for this other than its name.
  3. If the Colonel was that much of a bastard, then the whole hostage exchange thing might be moot.
  4. She was grateful that it still had power, since this whole thing would be moot if it was dead.
  5. Once I take myself off the case, it will be a moot point anyway.
  6. This stirred his curiosity he read that the Northumbrian royal palace was presumed immediately to the east of the Moot Hill.
  7. The finding of Anglo-Saxon artefacts at the moot hill excited him.
  8. Finias aimed for his legs, hoping to cripple him like the mage, but the tracker made that a moot point when he stopped.
  9. But his decision became moot when the Northman vanished.