English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "maan" verskeie betekenisse:Die natuurlike satelliet van die Aarde, sigbaar (hoofsaaklik in die nag) as 'n blink voorwerp in die lug.Die hemelliggaam wat die aarde se oppervlak snags verlig, met 'n gemiddelde afstand vanaf die aarde van ongeveer 238 855 myl (384 400 km) en 'n deursnee van 2 159 myl (3 476 km).'n Maand, veral 'n maanmaand, wat ongeveer 29,5 dae lank is.'n Halfmaanvormige of sirkelvormige voorwerp wat soortgelyk aan die maan lyk, soos 'n klein natuurlike satelliet wat om 'n planeet wentel of 'n groot ronde vorm.'n Lang tydperk of 'n era, dikwels gekenmerk deur 'n bepaalde kwaliteit of bui, soos "'n goue maan" of "'n maan van hartseer."As 'n werkwoord, "maan" beteken om 'n mens se boude bloot te stel as 'n onbeskofte gebaar, dikwels op 'n humoristiese of spottende manier.

Sentence Examples

  1. The moon was really bright, and I could see them standing round outside while Jake romped in the back meadow.
  2. The moon had already dipped below the tree line and dawn would be here soon.
  3. The shutters were not drawn and some light spilt in from the moon.
  4. The middle moon was a dark shade of blue, with an emerald and a lilac brother on either side, and multi-coloured stars flecked all around.
  5. The moon was entering her first quarter, and her insufficient light would soon die out in the mist on the horizon.
  6. The weather, which had hitherto been fine, changed with the last quarter of the moon.
  7. It was dark now, the yard of the inn lit only slightly by the moon.
  8. The moon, on the wane, scarcely left the horizon, and was covered with heavy clouds the height of the trees deepened the darkness.
  9. Trees clogged the skyline around us, blotting out the stars and the sliver of moon.
  10. Dressed in folded grey, the incandescent disc of the moon showed little light to reveal their passing.

TV Series Examples



He told me the moon



Last night...a Moon Brother



Three Stone Crows seized the Moon Brother



Moon is goddess - wife of sun.