English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "monster" is:'n Groot, lelike en angswekkende denkbeeldige wese.'n Verbeelde wese wat tipies groot, lelik is. , en skrikwekkend.'n Persoon, tipies 'n kind, wat uiters onbeskof is, sleg gedra of moeilik is om te beheer.'n Persoon of ding wat baie groot, kragtig of indrukwekkend, veral op 'n manier wat effens angswekkend of ontsagwekkend lyk.'n Wrede of goddelose persoon, veral een wat ander skade berokken.Iets wat baie moeilik is om te hanteer met of oorkom.'n Misvormde dier of plant, veral een wat gebore word of groei met 'n fisiese misvorming.

Sentence Examples

  1. But the only thing between us and death was running like hell, until we lost the monster.
  2. The monster reared up to its full height, letting out a roar loud enough to make my eardrums hurt.
  3. I concentrated on the flailing monster, which was beginning to recover from the double attack.
  4. The formation broke as Carl jumped at the first monster, stunner in the air.
  5. He leaped to the side as an elephant-headed monster charged at him, horns encrusted with green gore.
  6. But the monster was heading right for her, its back to me.
  7. As the monster staggered, Evan crawled across the ruined red earth, making for the edge of the cliff.
  8. Arantay grimaced as the flesh sloughed off and the monster crumpled.
  9. As the monster bucked and tried to throw me off again, I lunged for its weak point.
  10. A sudden current of magic made the hairs stand up on my arms, and two dreyverns ran past the fallen monster.