English to afrikaans meaning of

Mongolië is 'n land geleë in Oos- en Sentraal-Asië, begrens deur Rusland in die noorde en China in die suide, ooste en weste. Die hoofstad en grootste stad van Mongolië is Ulaanbaatar. Die land het 'n ryk geskiedenis en kultuur, insluitend die beroemde Mongoolse Ryk, wat in die 13de eeu deur Genghis Khan gestig is. Die tradisionele Mongoolse lewenswyse is gebaseer op nomadiese veewagters, en die land is bekend vir sy uitgestrekte grasvelde, woestyne en ruwe berge. Die woord "Mongolië" is afgelei van die Mongoolse mense, wat die dominante etniese groep in die land is.

Sentence Examples

  1. Fix, left alone, was more impatient than ever, having a presentiment that the robber was on board the Mongolia.
  2. The Mongolia, thanks to the vigorous exertions of the engineer, seemed likely, so rapid was her speed, to reach her destination considerably within that time.
  3. A quarter of an hour later found Fix, with a small bag in his hand, proceeding on board the Mongolia and, ere many moments longer, the noble steamer rode out at full steam upon the waters of the Red Sea.
  4. The Mongolia plied regularly between Brindisi and Bombay via the Suez Canal, and was one of the fastest steamers belonging to the company, always making more than ten knots an hour between Brindisi and Suez, and nine and a half between Suez and Bombay.
  5. The detective was evidently inspired by the hope of obtaining the splendid reward which would be the prize of success, and awaited with a feverish impatience, easy to understand, the arrival of the steamer Mongolia.
  6. What with the military men, a number of rich young Englishmen on their travels, and the hospitable efforts of the purser, the time passed quickly on the Mongolia.
  7. The Mongolia had still sixteen hundred and fifty miles to traverse before reaching Bombay, and was obliged to remain four hours at Steamer Point to coal up.
  8. Fogg, after leaving the consulate, repaired to the quay, gave some orders to Passepartout, went off to the Mongolia in a boat, and descended to his cabin.
  9. Meanwhile the Mongolia was pushing forward rapidly on the 13th, Mocha, surrounded by its ruined walls whereon date-trees were growing, was sighted, and on the mountains beyond were espied vast coffee-fields.
  10. When the wind came from the African or Asian coast the Mongolia, with her long hull, rolled fearfully.