English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "mitre" het 'n paar verskillende woordeboekdefinisies, afhangende van die konteks:'n Hooftooisel wat deur biskoppe en ander hooggeplaaste lede van die geestelikes gedra word, wat bestaan uit 'n lang spitsmus met twee bande wat aan die agterkant afhang.'n Houtwerkgereedskap wat gebruik word om presiese hoeke te sny.'n Voeg wat gemaak word deur die punte van twee stukke hout, metaal of ander materiaal en dit saam te pas.'n V-vormige kenteken wat deur sommige militêre of polisiepersoneel gedra word as 'n simbool van rang of onderskeiding.Dit is opmerklik dat " miter" is 'n alternatiewe spelling van die woord, en word meer algemeen in die Verenigde State gebruik.


  1. miter

Sentence Examples

  1. At this moment an official crossed over, and approaching Sancho threw over him a robe of black buckram painted all over with flames of fire, and taking off his cap put upon his head a mitre such as those undergoing the sentence of the Holy Office wear and whispered in his ear that he must not open his lips, or they would put a gag upon him, or take his life.
  2. To bring my argument to a close, I would say then, gentle sir, let your son go on as his star leads him, for being so studious as he seems to be, and having already successfully surmounted the first step of the sciences, which is that of the languages, with their help he will by his own exertions reach the summit of polite literature, which so well becomes an independent gentleman, and adorns, honours, and distinguishes him, as much as the mitre does the bishop, or the gown the learned counsellor.
  3. Sancho begged the duke to let them leave him the robe and mitre as he wanted to take them home for a token and memento of that unexampled adventure.