English to afrikaans meaning of

die definisie van "sendeling" is:'n persoon wat na 'n vreemde land gestuur word om godsdiens- of liefdadigheidswerk te doen'n persoon wat poog om te oorreed of bekeer ander tot 'n bepaalde leerstelling of program'n persoon wat sterk toegewyd is aan 'n bepaalde saak of program en werk om dit vurig te bevorder.Die term word dikwels gebruik om te verwys na individue of organisasies wat godsdienstige of filantropiese werk in ander lande of gemeenskappe doen, met die doel om hul oortuigings te versprei of diegene in nood te help.

Sentence Examples

  1. But they yield such respect, numerous as they are, are so far heathen, and need to have a missionary sent to them.
  2. However, during the nineteen-seventies, numbers began to decline rapidly in the missionary ranks.
  3. He works as a missionary for them to recruit more members into the temple.
  4. Passepartout approached and read one of these notices, which stated that Elder William Hitch, Mormon missionary, taking advantage of his presence on train No.