English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "vrek" is 'n persoon wat rykdom opgaar en so min as moontlik geld spandeer, dikwels tot nadeel van hul eie welsyn of dié van ander. 'n Vrek is tipies iemand wat uiters spaarsam, gulsig en suinig is met hul hulpbronne, en dikwels onwillig is om geld te deel of te spandeer, selfs wanneer dit nodig of gepas is om dit te doen. Die term word ook algemeen gebruik om iemand te beskryf wat buitensporig behep is met materiële besittings of geld, tot die punt dat dit ongelukkig of ongesond is.

Sentence Examples

  1. You will live long, if you act like the miser who, bit by bit, crumb by crumb, collects and heaps up diamonds and gold.
  2. I was left a helpless widow, with a daughter on my hands growing up in beauty like the sea-foam at length, however, as I had the character of being an excellent needlewoman, my lady the duchess, then lately married to my lord the duke, offered to take me with her to this kingdom of Aragon, and my daughter also, and here as time went by my daughter grew up and with her all the graces in the world she sings like a lark, dances quick as thought, foots it like a gipsy, reads and writes like a schoolmaster, and does sums like a miser of her neatness I say nothing, for the running water is not purer, and her age is now, if my memory serves me, sixteen years five months and three days, one more or less.