English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "sag" is:Sag of nie ernstig van aard, karakter of graad nieNie hard of sterk in smaak, reuk nie , of effekMatig of gematig in klimaat, weer of temperatuurGoed of sag in persoonlikheid of temperamentNie ekstreem of intens in gedrag of emosie nie

Sentence Examples

  1. Passepartout, desirous of respecting the gentleman whom he served, ventured a mild remonstrance on such conduct which, being ill-received, he took his leave.
  2. I had a sudden, powerful longing for the mild nights of home.
  3. I stepped into the mild September evening, letting the door slam closed.
  4. My skin buzzed, like a mild shock from the stunner, as we followed a path through the winding corridors of the first floor, lit by the faint bluish glow from the walls and floor.
  5. Eventually, I was honorably discharged due to the lingering effects from the brain injury, and from what my doctors believed was a mild case of post-traumatic stress disorder.
  6. The symptoms are very mild at first, going unnoticed in most people.
  7. And as plaster dust rained down, and the mild autumn sunlight glinted through the hole blown in the side of the compound, the Prime laughed, his eyes twinkling and bright.
  8. He had to admit mild surprise at the second confession he had certainly never heard of its existence.
  9. He pats the other and a look of mild relief appears in his face.
  10. It was a silent menace at first, spreading through the population of the east coast, hardly presenting as anything more worrying than mild cold-like symptoms.