English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "metodies" word gekenmerk deur of gedoen volgens 'n sistematiese of gevestigde prosedure; georden en gereeld in gedrag of gewoontes. Dit stel 'n doelbewuste en sistematiese benadering tot take voor, met 'n fokus op organisasie, akkuraatheid en doeltreffendheid. 'n Metodiese persoon is geneig om 'n logiese en gestruktureerde benadering in hul werk of aktiwiteite te volg, met 'n sterk klem op beplanning, ontleding en aandag aan detail.

Sentence Examples

  1. This could only be the case were her walks of the same unvarying, methodical character, and within the same species of limited region as are his own.
  2. Cora betrayed a disposition to support her sister, and the sacred song proceeded, after the indispensable preliminaries of the pitchpipe, and the tune had been duly attended to by the methodical David.
  3. For the first time I noticed the clanking, methodical, echoey clanking, from far below us.
  4. till midnight, the hour at which the methodical gentleman retired.
  5. This methodical record thus contained an account of everything needed, and Mr.
  6. He wound it around her wrists with methodical precision, the length gradually growing shorter, until all she saw was a row of webbed cords encircling her wrists with an artful knot at the top.
  7. The battle lasted nearly half an hour, and then the phantoms fled Doña Rodriguez gathered up her skirts, and bemoaning her fate went out without saying a word to Don Quixote, and he, sorely pinched, puzzled, and dejected, remained alone, and there we will leave him, wondering who could have been the perverse enchanter who had reduced him to such a state but that shall be told in due season, for Sancho claims our attention, and the methodical arrangement of the story demands it.
  8. His carefree nature was gone, replaced with the composure of the cold, methodical king he was.
  9. Heyward, however, hastily interrupted his pious purpose by continuing questions concerning the past and present condition of his fellow captives, and in a manner more methodical than had been permitted by his feelings in the opening of their interview.
  10. It was impossible to tell whether the new servant would turn out as absolutely methodical as his master required experience alone could solve the question.