English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "mentor" is 'n betroubare en ervare adviseur of onderwyser wat 'n ander persoon se persoonlike of professionele ontwikkeling lei en ondersteun. 'n Mentor kan raad, aanmoediging en terugvoer verskaf om die mentee te help om hul doelwitte te bereik en sukses te behaal. Die verhouding tussen 'n mentor en mentee word tipies gekenmerk deur wedersydse respek, vertroue en oop kommunikasie. Mentors kan gevind word in verskeie velde soos onderwys, besigheid, sport en die kunste.

Sentence Examples

  1. They needed adults to guide and mentor them, and Arthur was that adult.
  2. That girl was going to be at a loss without her mentor around to crack the whip whenever she spoke out of line or applied her lipstick wrong.
  3. He took Woody under his wing and became his mentor and trusted confidant.
  4. I found myself wondering how successful Pearl would have been, and could still be, if she had a mentor.
  5. His former mentor had become more like a friend than a teacher.
  6. The Niscian eagerly accepted his role as teacher and mentor, as well as trusted advisor to me, and he immediately began a difficult regimen in the art of the sword with the twins.
  7. Although they were smart, they had limited experience, and Leslie thought that I could be a mentor to them.
  8. With luck, James will act as a mentor and liaison, preparing pastor and town to accept each other.
  9. He opened the cover and found a note from his former mentor inside.
  10. Beau has a gift for entertaining ladies and likes to think of himself as my mentor.