English to afrikaans meaning of

die woord "meditasie" word gedefinieer as:a: om betrokke te raak by kontemplasie of nadenke b : om deel te neem aan geestelike oefening (soos konsentrasie op 'n mens se asemhaling of herhaling van 'n mantra) met die doel om 'n verhoogde vlak van geestelike bewustheid te bereik: om jou gedagtes te fokus oor : besin oor of peins oor: beplan of projekteer in die gedagtes : voorneme, doel: om betrokke te raak in 'n tydperk van nadenke of nadenke

Sentence Examples

  1. The process was tedious and involved a lot of silent communication through meditation between Teharon and I.
  2. Alone in the office, he got set for his meditation ritual, tension in the limbs easing as he sank into his chair with a long, slow exhale.
  3. Fix, seated in the bow, gave himself up to meditation.
  4. When one could not focus on their meditation, it was more than frustrating.
  5. After our bizarre, yet invigorating meditation session, I sat down on the ledge, my legs dangling over.
  6. My mind, however, was too much occupied to sleep, and I lay the whole night buried in meditation.
  7. For a few minutes I remained wrapped in the profoundest meditation.
  8. The comfort he sought in meditation often evaded him.
  9. Now meditation was integral to his ways of coping with the work-life balance.
  10. Adopting a defensive stance at his back, she protected him while he centered himself with a lightning-quick bit of meditation.