English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "meanly" is soos volg:bywoord:in 'n gemene of ungenerous manner; met 'n geringe of lae mate van vriendelikheid, vrygewigheid of grootmoedigheidop 'n nederige of nederige wyse; sonder waardigheid of trotsbyvoeglike naamwoord:laag in kwaliteit, waarde of karakter; basis; onedellikgebrek aan vrygewigheid of vriendelikheid; suinig of onbarmhartigVoorbeeldsinne:Hy het gemeen gedra deur nie sy hulpbronne met sy kollegas te deel nie.Die gemeubileerde woonstel was nie die huur werd wat hy betaal het nie.Die ryk sakeman het sy werknemers gemeen behandel deur hulle lae lone te betaal.Sy het gemeen gepraat van haar vorige vriendin, al het sy geen rede gehad om doen dit.


  1. humbly

Sentence Examples

  1. They would feel that they could trust him that the nephew who had done rightly by his father, would do rightly by them for they know, as well as he does, as well as all the world must know, that he ought to pay this visit to his father and while meanly exerting their power to delay it, are in their hearts not thinking the better of him for submitting to their whims.
  2. Fouquet all the night, of lifeless fish, of broken eggs, of chambers badly furnished, meanly kept.
  3. But let us leave him there for he will surely find someone to help him, and if not, let him suffer and hold his tongue who attempts more than his strength allows him to do and let us go back fifty paces to see what Don Luis said in reply to the Judge whom we left questioning him privately as to his reasons for coming on foot and so meanly dressed.