English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "mead" het 'n paar verskillende woordeboekbetekenisse, afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word:'n Gegiste alkoholiese drankie gemaak van heuning en water, dikwels met bygevoegde vrugte, speserye of korrels.'n Alkoholiese drankie gemaak van gefermenteerde heuning en water, dikwels met bygevoegde gis en geurmiddels. 'n Antieke drankie gemaak van gefermenteerde heuning en water, wat tradisioneel met Noorse en Keltiese kulture geassosieer word.'n Alkoholiese drankie gemaak van gefermenteerde heuning en water, wat dikwels tydens Middeleeuse- tema-geleenthede of Renaissance-kermisse.'n Heuning-gebaseerde drankie wat soortgelyk is aan wyn of bier, maar gemaak sonder hoep of druiwe.Oor die algemeen verwys "mead" na 'n soort alkoholiese drank wat hoofsaaklik van heuning gemaak word en al duisende jare lank deur mense verbruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. He found the same group of soldiers who had broken off into random song, the mead doing much to persuade their pitch.
  2. In premature celebration, the Dokkalfar wasted no time erecting fires, stewing meats, and breaking into the mead.
  3. The soldiers had abandoned their song and moved on to downing more mead.
  4. In the other, he loosely held the neck of a bottle still full with mead.
  5. His hands struck the great oak doors and Bergen ran down the steps, past the stream of mead into the courtyard to the stables around the west tower.
  6. It resembled a Viking mead hall, with Venator improvements.
  7. He threw back his head, taking in a large mouthful of mead.
  8. She took a moment to watch the children run to their fathers while a few of her men raised a flagon of mead to hail her name.
  9. Rune shook his head as he watched a drop of mead cling to the lip of the bottle still resting on the steps.
  10. A feast of meat and mead was set before us, and I must admit I did justice to everything within reach.