English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "mat" is:Materiaal, gewoonlik gemaak van strooi, biesies of riete, gebruik as 'n beskermende bedekking op vloere, mure of dakke.'n Bedekking of rand gemaak van matte.'n Growwe stof of gaas wat gebruik word as 'n rug vir matte of matte om stabiliteit te verskaf en gly te voorkom.Die proses om 'n prent of foto te raam deur dit binne 'n mat of rand te plaas.Die proses om hare, pels of wol in 'n digte massa te verstrengel of te knoop.


  1. mat

Sentence Examples

  1. The rain blew slanted through the open space under the house, forming puddles amid the thick pandanus matting that covered the beach stones spread beneath them.
  2. He had picked up every crumb that had been left from his former meals, and was beginning to eat the matting which covered the floor of his cell.
  3. Entrails oozed out of the shredded mess of its belly blood pooling quickly and matting the beautiful coat.
  4. AS SHE CAUGHT HER BREATH, Desa stared open-mouthed at the ceiling and felt sweat matting dark hair to her forehead.
  5. Blood stained her butchered hair, matting it to her forehead.
  6. Protected by the nanosphere above them, they formed walls of blood-stained white fur matting the ice and the caves.