English to afrikaans meaning of

"massa" kan verskeie verskillende betekenisse hê, insluitend:Die hoeveelheid materie in 'n liggaam, tipies gemeet in kilogram of pond.'n Gewoonlik groot liggaam van materie met geen definitiewe vorm nie.'n Hoeveelheid materiaal, soos metaal of hout, wat gebruik word om iets te maak.'n Groot aantal of hoeveelheid van iets.'n Godsdiensdiens of seremonie, veral een van die Rooms-Katolieke of Oosters-Ortodokse kerke.

Sentence Examples

  1. Izekiel, Xavier and Jed screamed in fury, plunging in with weapons raised, beating against the monstrous mass to retrieve their fallen friends.
  2. I pulled down on the magic, and it came in a swirling mass, unlike it had ever done before.
  3. Turning into another corridor, I could see the door to London was wide open, though blocked by a mass of bodies.
  4. My son tells me you survived three separate demon attacks, not including the mass invasion.
  5. James quickly closes the door as a mass of students are heard walking the hallway.
  6. The portal took hold and Evan was hurled into the whirling mass.
  7. A grotesque mass of pulsating, blubbery skin made up the next horrific creature, like a terribly obese man, warped by chaos.
  8. And scream, as I did when the pair of us shot into the sky, through a damp mass of cloud.
  9. The writhing mass of humanity jostled one another in their hurry to enter the warehouse.
  10. Thousands of black tents and multi-coloured fires barely stood out amidst the terrible dark mass of wretched creatures that made up the horde.